Structural Reproduction for the Sewing Basket of the WORK-AND-PLAY Table

Perspective, before treatment photograph by Jim Schneck, Natalya Swanson, and Melissa King

This late-Classical work-and-play table (ca. 1820-1835, unknown maker) is from Winterthur collection (Accession No.: L2017.1071). Condition report and treatment proposal were conducted by Natalya Swanson and Melissa King (WUDPAC, Class of 2020) for Wooden artifacts documentation report in WUDPAC first year’s wood block, December 16, 2017.

For display and future exhibition, after discussion with Linda Eaton (John L. & Marjorie P. McGraw Director of Collections & Senior Curator of Textiles, Winterthur Museum Garden & Library) and Laura Mina (Head of Textile Conservation, Affiliated Assistant Professor, WUDPAC), decision was made to reproduce the heavily degraded sewing basket.

The reproduction of drawer front of the sewing basket was done by Katelyn Rivito, technician of Furniture Lab, Winterthur Museum, August, 2018.

The structural reproduction of the sewing basket was done by Yang Xu, October, 2018.

Supervised by Mark Anderson.

Worn fabric, and degraded wood structure

Reproduction of the structure of the drawer and basket

Fabric sample chosen by Laura Mina, fabric reproduction will be done in the future by textile conservators.