Gene of Design: Exterior Dou-Gong in the Hall of Vairochana in Zisheng Temple, Gaoping
Liu Chang, Jiang Zheng, Xu Yang.History of Architecture, 2016.02
Abstract: Based on collecting and reviewing historic literature and related materials and manual survey and that aided with 3D laser scanning, the article concentrates on authenticity of the structure of the Hall of Vairochana in Zisheng Temple, and interpretation of the geometric design thereof. It is concluded that the construction rule measures 308mm, and basic modular unit of Dougong is 0.47cun building a cantilever of 62 units, and the pitch of the slope cantilever herein is 1/2. Furthermore the main hall in Kaihua Temple located in Gaoping as well is brought in for comparative study, and is suggested in the article to have the same craft-family with the present case, which leads the author to advocate gene-tracing research in a broader scope.
Keywords: Hall of Vairochana at Zisheng Temple, exterior eaves bracket sets (Dou-Gong), geometric design, construction anatomy, style, 3D laser scanning